Across our 22 years of program delivery, Pure Insights have supported many clients within the justice and probation services to manage their mental health and wellbeing, reintegrate back into their community, build their resilience, and process trauma.
Our clinical program support them to take steps to rebuild their pillars of support needed to develop ongoing positive relationships with their families and social groups, move towards their employment and training goals. Enabling the individual to bring about effective changes in their behaviour and reduce the risk of re-offending.
Over the last couple of years, we have moved into direct specialist partner relationships with prime provider running the Commissioned Rehabilitative Services of Personal Wellbeing, ETE and CFO Justice contracts.
Our Justice Employment Program consist of:
- Evidence based, clinical support tailored to the wellbeing needs of the individual (ie. those in a criminal justice setting, refugees, youths).
- Twelve (12 ) session model.
- Initial diagnostic assessment to identify barriers and support needed, inclusive of psychological and wellbeing diagnostics.
- Case management support with collaborative referrals made to ongoing support services as required.
- A tailored, wellbeing focused action plan created for all who commence and detailed debriefs and recommendation for ongoing support with the referrer.
- Pre and post sessions evaluation measures to demonstrate outcomes and distance travelled.
- Services that are flexible to you and your contract to offer bespoke, industry focused support.
- A team of highly-qualified registered clinicians.
Our program is created to:
- Foster a safe environment for collaboration
- Learning and self-development
- Build confidence and motivation in jobseekers with ex-offender history
- Broaden jobseeker’s mindset on employment opportunities
- Enhance self-efficiency through goal planning, problem solving and removing barriers to work Improve jobseekers’ knowledge of Australian labour market and workplace initiatives Improve job search capacity and employability with a focus on what jobseekers can still do
- Increase understanding and coping skills of accessing support services to identify transferable skills and training that matches job opportunities
- Prepare for employment and productive engagement
If you would like to learn more about our Just Employment program please call our office or email us on and one of our team will be in touch.